Monday, September 8, 2014

A hairy situation.

The last American Girl-themed post I did was about Molly, so today we're going to talk (very briefly) about Kirsten.  No, silver eye hasn't reared it's ugly head with her too.  Kirsten's problem is her hair, or rather, the rubber bands in her hair.  They're starting to break up.
I hate it when rubber bands do that.  Add to this the fact that I've NEVER taken Kirsten's hair down.  In the fifteen years that I've owned her I've done nothing to the hair except change the ribbons every now and then.  Plus I've never been good at styling doll hair; Molly's simple pigtail braids are about as fancy as I can manage.  But this has to be done, lest the entire braid fall out when I undo that ribbon again.  This isn't going to be an in-depth tutorial; Rhonda F and Beanbunny have those (thank God).  But in case I louse this up terribly, here's a picture of Kirsten in her original state.
Notice that one of her braids is already starting to slip.  Can't have that!
I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!  LOL, just kidding.  It wasn't that bad.  I'm thankful to Rhonda F and Beanbunny for those tutorials, though!  Here's what Kirsten looks like now.  She doesn't look all that different.
I need to play with that right braid a little so the end will hide better, but for my first go at it the loops came out pretty good.

Sometime in the near future I'll have to give them all a good hair wash (Felicity particularly needs it).  Such a task will involve taking Kirsten's hair completely down, but now that I know how to redo the loops, I'm not sweating it.

Very truly yours,


  1. Eww, ugh at least they didn't melt right into her hair. I used to use cheap rubber-band hairbands for my Monster High dolls but they always melted and/or got oily and discolored. (disgusting!)

    I sure do like Kirsten's hairstyle though...I wonder if I could pull off a hairstyle like hers?

    1. You probably could. Just follow the link to Beanbunny's site and try the steps for yourself. It sounds complicated but it's really not.
